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  • 今天是2024年4月20日 星期六 这里是上海国际轻餐饮连锁加盟展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。会展在线提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。会展在线祝您参展愉快!
    上海国际轻餐饮连锁加盟展览会 (简称: Chain China) 作为中国轻餐饮连锁加盟行业专业展会,是推动轻餐饮连锁加盟行业发展和信息交互的重要平台。CHAIN CHINA上海轻餐饮加盟展由国内知名展览机构-高登商业于 2013年创办起来的,高登商业始终致力于推动轻餐饮连锁加盟行业发展和为投资者提供品牌加盟整合信息资源,现已将该活动打造成为中国地区轻餐饮连锁品牌与投资者的高效对接桥梁与加盟必备的平台。CHAIN CHINA上海轻餐饮加盟展迄今已累积服务超过 2500家轻餐饮连锁品牌以及多方位的行业资源,横跨轻餐饮连锁供应商与服务商、商业地产与商业配套资源等。展会现场为每一个轻餐饮品牌企业提供**优质的服务,通过轻餐饮品牌现场店型展示、产品与服务体验、商业模式与投资趋势解读、项目说明会与路演、高峰论坛、加盟公开课等多种活动形式,令加盟投资者能快速了解行业发展趋势、洞悉品牌成功模式从而匹配自身投资计划,找到心仪的项目。,展会每年都会吸引来自政府相关部门与行业协会、行业领军企业、新闻媒体、行业投资、加盟代表、商业地产以及业内领先服务商等代表参会。CHAIN CHINA上海轻餐饮加盟将以依托上海独特的地利优势与**佳投资热土为窗口,全力打造成亚太地区顶级影响力的轻餐饮连锁加盟行业的投资创业盛会,为业内投资人士打造一个优质商业资源的社交平台。
    • 中餐连锁:快餐、正餐、火锅、早餐、面馆、特色餐厅、互联网+餐厅、未来餐厅等;
    • 西餐连锁:快餐、正餐、休闲餐、牛排、自助、料理、色拉、各国美食等;
    • 咖啡饮品:咖啡、茶饮、奶茶、鲜榨果汁、创意饮品、下午茶等;
    • 烘焙甜品:烘焙、甜品、冰激凌、巧克力、面包、蛋糕、DIY创意甜品等;
    • 美味小吃:烧烤、卤味、熟食、炸鸡、小丸子、风味小吃、国民小吃等;
    • 休闲食品:零食、干货、水果、进口食品等;
    • 非遗美食:各国各地特色美食等;
    • 相关餐饮服务商、供应商、信息化等上下游企业。

    Shanghai International Light Catering Chain joined the exhibition once a year, due to the uncontrollable nature of the exhibition, there may be a change in the theme, extension or cancellation of the situation, please contact the organizers before the exhibition! Follow the exhibition number to learn about the exhibition.
    Shanghai International Light Catering Chain Joining Exhibition (Chain China) as China's light restaurant chain franchise industry professional exhibition, is to promote light restaurant chain franchise industry development and information interaction of an important platform. CHAIN CHINA Shanghai Light Catering Franchise Exhibition was founded in 2013 by the well-known domestic exhibition institutions - Gordon Commercial, Gordon Business has always been committed to promoting the development of light restaurant chain franchise industry and to provide investors with brand integration information resources, has now built the event into China's light restaurant chain brand and investors of the efficient docking bridge and join the necessary platform. CHAIN CHINA Shanghai Light Catering Franchise Exhibition has so far accumulated services of more than 2500 light catering chain brands and multi-faceted industry resources, across light restaurant chain suppliers and service providers, commercial real estate and commercial support resources. Exhibition site for each light catering brand enterprises to provide the best quality service, through light food and beverage brand on-site display, product and service experience, business model and investment trend interpretation, project description will be and roadshow, summit forum, join the open class and other forms of activities, so that franchise investors can quickly understand the industry development trends, insight into brand success model to match their own investment plans, find the favorite project. Each year, the fair attracts representatives from relevant government departments and industry associations, industry leaders, news media, industry investment, franchise representatives, commercial real estate and industry-leading service providers. CHAIN CHINA Shanghai Light Catering Franchise will rely on Shanghai's unique advantages and the best investment hot land as a window, to create the Asia-Pacific region's top influence of light restaurant chain franchise industry investment and entrepreneurship event, for industry investors to create a high-quality business resources social platform.
    The range of exhibits
    Chinese food chain: fast food, dinner, hot pot, breakfast, noodle restaurant, specialty restaurant, Internet restaurant, future restaurant, etc.
    Western food chain: fast food, dinner, casual meals, steaks, self-help, cuisine, salad, national cuisine, etc.
    Coffee drinks: coffee, tea, milk tea, freshly squeezed juice, creative drinks, afternoon tea, etc.
    Baked desserts: baked, desserts, ice cream, chocolate, bread, cakes, DIY creative desserts, etc.
    Delicious snacks: barbecue, halogen, cooked food, fried chicken, small pills, flavor snacks, national snacks, etc.
    Leisure food: snacks, dry goods, fruits, imported food, etc.
    Non-relict cuisine: specialties from all over the country, etc.;
    Related catering service providers, suppliers, information technology and other upstream and downstream enterprises.

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海轻餐饮连加盟展  
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